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First and foremost I am documenting an incredible motorcycle journey, a Modern Motorcycle diaries through Latin America via this web site with amazing stories, pictures, travel information and videos for everyone´s enjoyment.
People´s general interest/curiosity in such a unique and adventurous journey has put me in the Stanton Magazine , in national newspaper publications in Nicaragua El Nuevo Diario, TV interviews in Brazil/Argentina and countless media coverage back home in the United States including a full feature on ABC News 7 in Texas where I speak of my journey and the worthy cause behind it.
So, if you visit this site and are amused, entertained, informed or simply find yourself dreaming of your next adventure then I would ask you to consider the following:
- Donate some money to Children of Uganda to help a great cause. You can do this via my Fundraising Page or by using the tool bar to the left of this page to donate directly. Using this tool bar will help keep track of everything raised on the websites behalf. This is the link for the Children of Uganda page for more information.
- Tell your friends!
All donations to the Children of Uganda go directly to the organization via I do not accept donations on behalf of the charity.
This journey is funded entirly on my own behalf, these donations go directly to the Children of Uganda, as do my hopes and efforts of making a difference in the lives of these children.
2) Why Children of Uganda?

The mission of Children of Uganda is to support and empower hundreds of orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda to lead successful and productive lives. Our vision is that all children in Uganda receive an education to become healthy, productive members of their community who assume leadership roles and positively impact Ugandan society.
There are so many charities and and organisations asking all of us to help every day that it can be hard to choose. I choose Children of Uganda because I believe that we have to start by addressing the most important issues that affect our future as a whole, begining with our children, who are the future themselves.
If you wonder if your charity money actually makes a difference then there are plenty of people who have done research into this area. I would recommend the very inspiring The Life You Can Save by Peter Singer and GiveWell who are an organisation that measures charities on effectiveness.
If you would like to read more about the work Children of Uganda does, I reccomend you start here!